Star Wars - Battlefront 2
Submitted by: Haspa
Hero character locations:
The hero characters can be found at the following locations.
Luke - Jedi temple, Mygeeto, Jabba's Palace, Death Star Interior.
Leia - Tantive IV, Theed.
Han - Utapau, Polis Massa, Endor.
Chewie - Kashyyk, Felucia, Yavin.
Vader - Tantive IV, Jedi temple, Dagobah, Theed, Endor.
Emporer - Polis Massa, Theed, Death star interior.
Boba - Kashyyk, Utapau, Mygeeto, Felucia, Yavin, Jabba's Palace.
Yoda - Kashyyk, Tantive IV, Polis Massa, Dagobah.
Obi-Wan - Utapau, Mustafar, Theed.
Mace - Jedi temple, Yavin, Death Star Interior.
Ki-Adi-Mundi - Mygeeto.
Aayla - Felucia, Jabba's Palace.
Anakin - Mustafar.
Grievous - Tantive IV, Utapau, Polis Massa, Dagobah, Mygeeto.
Maul - Jedi Temple, Mustafar, Jabba's Palace.
Dooku - Geonosis.
Jango - Kashyyk, Felucia, Yavin.
Unlimited hero or villain:
Start Instant Action mode, choose your levels, but do not launch.
Go down to the options, then go on "Hero". Change the options here
as follows: Best Player, 4 Points, and the time for the hero to
become available to 4 seconds. Your hero or villain can still die
and the meter runs out, but you only need to kill four people for
4 points to unlock the hero or villain again. Also, if you get the
points when you are playing as the hero or villain, when you die
when playing as the hero or villain they still count as the points
-- you can pick to play as them immediately.
Go to Instant Action, select your levels, but before you start go to
the options menu. Select "Hero" then change options to Best Player,
Time Limit 1 second, and the time for hero to become available to
"Always". You can start the game selecting the hero, and when you die
you can pick them again immediately.
All hero battle:
Go to Instant Action mode and pick Mos Eisley as your level and Assault
as the game type. When you begin the game you should be able to pick
between heroes and villains and fight as any of "Hero" type character
classes with no time limit.
Easy space battle kills:
First, ensure that the enemies shields are down, then select a soldier
with a blaster rifle. Take a fast ship and fly directly into the docks
(it has a blue film over it), land, and get out. All of the enemies will
be lightly armed because they are pilots. Open fire. Most will not return
fire. Also, most enemy ship have an objective to destroy inside them.
Lock on to a structure such as the life support system or bridge.
Make a preliminary strafing run straight along the ship. After passing
the target, pull up with full thrusters. When the targeting arrow goes
from the front of the screen to the back of the screen, decrease all
engine power. Continue pulling back until you see the target. Line up with
the target and do a half roll. This maneuver will allow you to make several
runs, unloading on the target and avoiding as much enemy fighters as possible.
While in a space battle, take a transport to the enemy's space cruiser for
sabotage. Land and make sure no one is in it or they will destroy it. When
no one is in it, it will stay there for the rest of the battle. When you die,
the transport acts as a command post for your team so you can go into the
enemy ship much faster than taking another fighter from your hanger.
This following is a list of the battle ship's weak points.
Auto turrets: Located in the ship's interior Enter the ship's interior and
you will see a cylinder shaped console with different monitors. Use two
pilot bombs to destroy it.
Life support system: Enter the ship's interior and to the left should be a
door. Enter it and you will see a giant blue screen ahead. Destroy it with
three bombs.
Engines: Enter the interior, then turn to the right. Go through the door
and destroy the four giant glowing tubes with three bombs.
Shields: Run into the interior and move past the auto turret controls.
Enter the door, then run down the passage. There should be a giant
lightning-filled tube. Place six bombs on the glass. To do this, aim up
and touch the glass.
Slow enemies from getting to their ships:
Get into a heavy transport (for example, a LAAT Gunship or Droid Gunship).
Make sure that no one but you is in it, then fly over to the enemy hangar.
Land and get into one of the scout fighters in that hangar (for example, a
Jedi Starfighter or Tri-Fighter). Quickly fly back to your capital ship.
To do this even more quickly, do the boost, and if the enemy frigates are
not destroyed yet, fly out of the hangar, go down a good ways, then level
your ship out again. Once you have reached your hangar, land and see if
your other transport is there. If it is, get in. Make sure no one is in it
but you. Repeat the process described above. If it is not there, either just
waste time and wait, or get into a X-Wing or ARC-170. There will now be two
of your transports in the enemy ship, and they will spawn many of your men.
By doing this, you have bought yourself lots of time to disable the enemy
ship. It is important to make sure no one but you is in the ship because if
someone else is in there they will not get out when you land; and if you get
out, they will take off and crash.
Repairing shields:
You can always repair your shields. Just use the torch, but do not get too
close to the glass or it will not work. This will take awhile, but is helpful.
Also on ground battles you can use the torch to slice (hijack) enemy vehicles.
Regenerate health and ammunition:
If there is an ammunition or medical droid on the other side of a thin wall
(i.e. in space if you go into another hangar and the main room the thin
separator walls between the doors and the droids), it can heal you through
the wall. Nobody on the other side can shoot you unless they use a bomb,
grenade, rocket, etc., which rarely happens.
Rank list:
Earn the indicated number of medals in combat to advance to the next rank.
Veteran - 6 medals
Elite - 30 medals
Legendary - 60 medals
Legendary rank bonus weapons:
After reaching the Legendary rank in the indicated class, cycle through
your weapons to access the new weapon.
Frenzy - Elite Assault Rifle
Regulator - Flechette Shotgun
Demolition - Guidable Rockets
Marksman - Particle Beam Rifle
Gunslinger - Precision Blaster
Technician - Vehicle Regen
Bonus weapons and abilities:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus for that class.
Captain: Control 3 units: Have a total of 100 to 299 medals.
Demolition - Guidable Rockets: Get four critical hits vs. vehicles in one life.
Endurance - Energy Recuperation: Get 8 points.
Frenzy - Elite Assault Rifle: Get twelve kills with a blaster rifle in one life.
General - Control 4 units: Get over 300 total medals.
Guardian - Shielding: Get 16 points.
Gunslinger - Precision Pistol: Get 6 kills with a pistol in one life.
Marksman - Particle Beam Rifle: Get 6 headshots with the sniper rifle in one life.
Private - Control 1 unit: Have less than 20 total medals.
Regulator - Flechette Shotgun: Get eight kills with a shotgun in one life.
Sergeant - Control 2 units: Have between 20 and 99 total medals.
Technician - Vehicle Regen: Slice into a vehicle.
War Hero - Damage Increase: Get 24 points.
Jango Fett comment:
Select the Kamino map and set the hero counter however desired, okay as CIS, and wait until
you can play as Jango Fett. A Clone will exclaim "Its Jango Fett! And he's brought his head!",
referring to the scene in Star Wars: Episode II, when he was decapitated during the assault
on Geonosis.
Unlimited awards:
When you get a medal, you will get an award. For example, when you get the Guardian medal,
you will get the Damage Reduction bonus award; or when you get the Frenzy medal, you will
get the Elite Rifle award. When you get enough medals of one kind, you will become legendary
in that medal. When you become legendary in any medal, you have unlimited of the award that
comes with it every time you play a battle. For example, when you become legendary in the
Guardian medal, you will have unlimited damage reduction every time you play; and when you
become legendary in the Frenzy medal, every time you play as a Rebel Soldier, Stormtrooper,
Clone Trooper, Super Battle Droid, or any Marine, you will have the Elite rifle. This also
works with every other medal. Note: When you get a medal that gives you a new weapon, like
the Elite rifle when you get the Frenzy medal, to get out your new weapon switch your
primary weapon twice.
Earning medals:
After elite status is gained, the amount you have to get the medal decreases
(except for Technician).
Massive battles:
Go to the options menu on the screen where you select levels. There will be a "Conquest"
option. Select it and change the "Reinforcements" setting to "500%". Each side on a conquest
battle will start with about 750 soldiers. Note: This also works on a CTF battle, but you
must change the options for that battle. For some reason, command posts are easier to hold
with these massive battles. You can take over all of the command posts even when the other
side still has about 400 soldiers remaining.
Glitch: Mos Eisley: Get inside house:
Go to the house behind the cantina in Mos Eisley (with the ammo droid behind it; on the front
will be stairs). Go up the stairs and walk to your right so that you are standing above the
door going into the house that is facing the cantina. When you are facing the main house and
on the door arch, crouch and start walking into the house. If done correctly, you will fall
through the wall and be inside the house. You will be able to shoot the people outside, but
they will not be able to shoot you. You cannot jump through the ceiling. If your walk too far
towards the wall you will get outside the house again.
Mos Eisley: Get into cantina wall:
Note: This is easier to do with a Jedi or Sith. Go to the cantina and find the chair that is next
to the health and ammo droids. Jump into the crack between the wall and chair and attack if you
are a Jedi. If you are a soldier, it will be more difficult. Stand in the crack facing the wall
between you and the health droid and hold the [Up] + [Left]. While doing this, move your Mouse
back and forth until you are in the wall. You can shoot others but they cannot shoot you.
Mos Eisley: Invulnerable:
There are two places where you can see everybody but you cannot get hurt. One is in the cantina.
Go to the booth by the med and ammo droids. Get behind the out turned seat. Crouch and go forward.
It may take some time to get in, but you cannot get hurt. The second is on a building across from
the cantina. Go up the stairs and get onto the roof directly to the right. Roll forward toward the
corner and you should go into the building. Note: You might get stuck and die.
All guns with a sniper scope:
During game play or at the main menu, go to "Options" and go to "Game Play". Once there, switch
third person view to first person view. All weapons will have a sniper scope.
Unlimited Jedi:
In instant action there is an option along the side called "hero". Go to it and set it to
points needed 1 and respawn time "always".
Destroy Droidekas Easily:
Be the Trooper with the shot gun and remote detanators. If there is a destroyer droid causing
your troops trouble, just run up to the sheilded droid and toss the detanator under him, then
run to a safe location and detonate. The Droideka should explode.
Walk on capital ship:
Land your ship halfway through the hangar shield. Note: This works better if you just took off.
You can get out and run along the side of a clone or Imperial capital ship. This works over Hoth
and Felucia, but cannot be done in the space battles. The trick also works best with a dog fighter.
Warp across room:
Start running, press [Esc], then quickly press it again. You will warp across the room.
Frigate weak points:
Every frigate in Space Battle mode has small critical hit points. They are as follows.
Victory 2 Class Frigate - The two black objects next to the rear standing wing.
Corellian Corvette - The front tube facing upwards.
Banking Clan Comms Ship - The middle engine visible from above.
Acclamator Assault Ship - The utmost tip on the Command Bridge
Rebel Transport - The entire Command Bridge.
Ship list:
Republic - ARC 170
Empire - TIE Fighter
CIS - Vulture Droid Star FIGHTER
Rebel - X-Wing
Republic - V Wing
Empire - TIE Bomber
CIS - Confederacy Strick Bomber
Rebel - Y-Wing
Republic - Jedi Interceptor
Empire - TIE Interceptor
CIS - Droid Tri- Fighter
Rebel - A-Wing
Republic - LAAT Gunship
Empire - Imperial Shuttle
CIS - Droid Gunship
Rebel - Alliance Assault Craft
Climb vertical surfaces:
Use any vehicle and boost towards a vertical surface or any surface that goes up
(for example, tree, wall, etc.). Your vehicle should hit the wall and just start
Invisible mines:
This works on any map. Play as a Rebel Vangaurd, Shock Trooper, Assault
Droid or a Heavy Trooper and place a mine on a CP you control. The mine will
look visible to you, but to an enemy, almost invisible. After awhile your mines
may disappear. If you die or change units, they will not remain.
Easy kills:
Select Single Player mode at the main menu. Go to Instant Action and add Hoth 1 flag CTF.
Play on the Rebel side and go into the bunker. When in the bunker, wait for the Empire to
appear with the flag. Kill the flag carrier. Get the flag and stand there. Kill Imperial
soldiers until asked if you want to be Luke Skywalker. Select "Yes", then go back to the
bunker. Kill the flag carrier no matter which team they are on. Enable the "Invincibility"
code. Retrieve the flag and run to the Empire's bunker on the opposite side of the
battlefield. When there, do not put the flag into the blue circle. Guard the entrance
of the bunker so that nobody gets through the doorway. Stand there and kill.
All Campaign maps:
Select your profile, then choose the "Instant Action" tab. Note the open area at the
lower left that is below the mode settings tabs and the "Battlefront 2" logo in the
background. Move the pointer above the logo until you can enter text at its position.
Type 456123 then press [Enter]. The message "Play it again, Han" will appear to confirm
correct code entry. Enter the "Campaign" menu and select the new "Campaign List" option
to choose any Campaign mode map.
The Code you've all been waiting for has been discovered!
To Access Invincibility go to the Instant Action Menu and above the Battlefront II
Logo type "mostimpressive" press enter and you will get a confirmation message that
reads "But you are not a Jedi yet!..." you will have invincibility in any game mode.
Polis Massa: Easy Technician medal:
Play as the CIS (Droids) and walk outside the airlock to where the tanks fight. Jump
on one of the enemy AATs and slice into it to get the Technician medal. Because the
droids do not have to breathe, it is easy to jump on to the tanks and slice into them.
Disable HUD:
Select your profile, then choose the "Instant Action" tab. Note the open area at the
lower left that is below the mode settings tabs and the "Battlefront 2" logo in the
background. Move the pointer above the logo until you can enter text at its position.
Type usetheforceluke then press [Enter]. A message will appear to confirm correct code
entry. This works on all modes of play, including Campaign mode.
Mos Eisley: Break Lightsaber blocks:
Play as any character with a lightsaber. If you see an enemy blocking with their saber,
Force Sprint/Dash at them and press [Attack]. It will knock them over. Disable the block
and this allows for an easy kill.
Eisley: Funny death:
Play as Boba Fett and equip your Detpacks and your blaster. Lay a Detpack in the middle
of a street. Walk around it until you see an enemy on either side of the street (they
need time to get to you). Fire a burst, but intentionally miss by a short distance (zoom
in for better accuracy). The enemy will start to charge you. Back up quickly to draw them
towards the Detpack, and to stay out of range of the Jedi lightsabers. When the enemy
steps on the Detpack, press [Secondary Weapon] to detonate it. There will be an explosion
and the enemy will disappear. Look a few feet in any direction from where the Detpack was
located. You will see their body (if the area where you laid the Detpack is wide enough).
This is funniest with Yoda as the enemy.
Repairing shields:
An easy way to repair shields in Space Battles is with the "Invincibility" code enabled.
If a message appears stating "Our shields have been disabled!", fly back to your main
ship. Enter one of the doors up the stairs. Make sure you are a pilot. Go into the door
directly ahead. If you see the broken shield generator, take out your fusion cutter and
start fixing it. Make sure to have the health bar of the generator before you start or
it will not work. About two or three minutes (depending on how much damage your ship is
taking) are required, but it is a huge advantage.
Hero and villain character locations:
The hero and villain characters can be found at the following locations.
Location Clone Wars Civil War
Coruscant - Darth Maul, Mace Windu - Emperor, Luke Skywalker
Dagobah - General Grievous, Yoda - Darth Vader, Yoda
Death Star - Emperor, Obi-Wan Kenobi - Emperor, Luke
Endor - none - Darth Vader, Han Solo
Felucia - Jango Fett, Aayla Secura - Boba Fett, Chewbacca
Geonosis - Count Dooku, Mace Windu - none
Hoth - none - Darth Vader, Pilot Luke
Kamino - Jango Fett, Obi-Wan - Boba Fett, Han Solo
Kashyyyk - Jango Fett, Yoda - Boba Fett, Chewbacca
Mos Eisley - Darth Maul, Obi-Wan - Boba Fett, Han Solo
Mustafar - Darth Maul, Obi-Wan - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan
Mygeeto - General Grievous, Ki-Adi Mundi - Boba Fett, Luke
Naboo - Darth Maul, Obi-Wan - Emperor, Princess Leia
Tantive IV - General Grievous, Yoda - Darth Vader, Princess Leia
Utapau - General Grievous, Obi-Wan - Boba Fett, Han Solo
Yavin IV - Darth Maul, Mace Windu - Boba Fett, Chewbacca
Unlimited blocking:
Force Jump until there is no Force Jump remaining. As soon as you hit the ground, press
[Block]. You will have an unlimited block. Another way of doing this is to keep blocking
until there is no more block, then quickly press [Block] again before it recharges from
the red (low Force power). The blocking technique does not work as frequently as jumping,
but it is much safer to keep from getting hit. Note: This does not work as well with Luke
Skywalker because he tends to release his block quite often.
Transport Ambush:
When fighting in space, select a Bomber. Fly right into the enemy hanger. Shields up or
down doesn't matter. Park directly behind the enemy gunship or transport and wait.
Pilots going to the ships will leave you alone UNLESS you get out of your ship.
When the transport takes off, you take off. Once you both leave the hangar bay start bombing.
4 to 5 bombs will take out a transport and everyone on it.
All you have to do is turn around and head for the hanger and repeat. I have gotten up to 50
kills in a normal battle without dying. Of course, the transports hold different number of AI
and players. Enemy players will of course, not be that stupid, but nothing the marines pack
can appreciably damage your occupied bomber if your pilot has the regeneration bonus.
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